Should I Be Worried About Tooth Enamel Loss?

April 29, 2021

As children, we’re taught that if we don’t take care of our teeth properly – brush daily, floss regularly, and watch our sugar intake - we’ll get cavities. However, as adults, we realize that there’s more to oral health than avoiding cavities alone - enter enamel erosion. What is tooth enamel? Enamel is the tooth’s thin, translucent outer layer. Harder than bone, tooth enamel is the first line of defense against decay. It ...

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How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Remake Your Smile after Tooth Damage, Loss, or Decay

March 29, 2021

More than half of all respondents in a recent poll said they were insecure about the appearance of their teeth. If tooth damage, loss, or decay has you covering your mouth, take heart in knowing that you're not destined to a tight-lipped smile forever! Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are several ways we can restore your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is a broad term that refers to any dental work that adjusts the appearance of ...

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How To Maintain Children’s Oral Health

February 28, 2021

When you’re a parent, everyone has advice to share, from which diapers to use to how much screen time is appropriate. This often leaves us wondering if we’re doing it “right.” While much in parenting is subjective, your child’s oral health isn’t. Your family’s oral health is important to us, so read on to find answers to some questions parents commonly ask. When should my child see a dentist? The ...

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Am I a Good Candidate for Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

January 29, 2021

We’ve often been told that less is more, but sometimes more is needed. This is often the case when patients are dealing with multiple or complex dental issues. These cases, whether a result of oral health habits, trauma, genetic conditions, or years of teeth grinding, may require a full-mouth reconstruction. What is full-mouth reconstruction? Full-mouth reconstruction (also known as full-mouth restoration) goes beyond improved cosmetics and involves a combination of dental treatments to rebuild ...

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How Does Sugar Affect Your Teeth?

December 31, 2020

The draw of sugar can be hard to resist, especially this time of year! Whether it’s Aunt Clara’s special holiday cookies or advent calendar chocolates, we’re surrounded by tempting treats from Thanksgiving through New Year’s.  We know sugar isn’t “good” for us, but exactly how does it affect our dental health?  Sugar Changes Mouth Acidity – As children, we learn that sugar causes cavities, but the real culprit is acid. Our ...

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Dental Insurance – What You Need to Know

November 30, 2020

Unlike homeowner’s or automobile insurance, dental insurance is something you definitely WANT to use. Other insurance plans are often designed to cover a loss. For example, your homeowner’s insurance will reimburse you if you lose your home to a fire or natural disaster and if your car is damaged in an accident, your car insurance pays to have it repaired. Of course, specific coverage amounts vary depending on the policy, but the premise ...

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Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

October 30, 2020

An estimated two in three Americans are missing one or more teeth, and a shocking 30 million Americans are missing all of their teeth in one or both jaws. Given the significant role a healthy smile plays in one’s self-confidence and quality of life, tooth loss can have a far-reaching impact on a patient’s life. Unlike earlier days where tooth loss was only treatable using dentures and bridges, today, missing teeth can be ...

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Dental Plaque: What You Need to Know

September 29, 2020

Plaque, like many oral health concerns, begins as a silent menace. You may recognize this colorless, sticky film as the fuzzy coating you feel when you first wake up. For many people, a colorless film on the teeth may be the only sign. However, in some cases, more noticeable symptoms, such as receding gums or bad breath, occur. What is plaque and what causes it? Plaque forms in your mouth throughout the day as you ...

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10 Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

August 22, 2020

There's nothing worse than realizing something is wrong in your mouth. This is partly because it's really difficult to examine it for yourself.  As a layperson, it's often difficult to know whether the problem is a dental emergency or something you can take care of yourself.  Often, you can help alleviate your symptoms with some at-home first aid remedies. Other times, you should call your dentist immediately. To help you determine what ...

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Are You Going to Need Dentures?

July 22, 2020

Did you know that this year in the United States alone, the number of adults expected to be wearing dentures is a whopping 37.9 million? That's about 4.3 million more people than just 30 years ago! So, you're not alone if you think you may be headed down that path. Even people that take great care of their teeth sometimes end up requiring dentures, simply due to the many years of ...

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